Planning A Party?

So Much to do!  So Little Time!  How can we help????

PLAN….PLAN….PLAN!  Lists are King!  Don’t be surprised by last moment chaos…. we are here to help you avoid all that!  We love “do-it-yourself” parties because they give you the chance to make an event your own.  It’s not as hard as you might think, if you give it proper planning.  Make your next event fun and different.  Here are some things to consider. 

Use a multi media projector to show old music videos from You-Tube on the wall.  Dance along with the best!   We’ve also got Karaoke to entertain!  There’s a wide range of CD’s to rent with sing along graphics for country fans, oldie lovers, “teen” songs, kids of all ages!

Rent a coat rack and avoid the coat jumble!  Don’t forget, we also have BIG golf umbrellas to help get guests between car and party location and avoid the drips!

Rent some extra ice chests or super coolers to keep your drinks COLD!

Don’t for get extra ice!

We have everything you need to serve and clear…..extra bowls, serving utensils, trays, bus stands, platters.  Try writing out a list of what you are going to use to serve and display your food as you plan your event, then call us to supplement what you have!

 NEVER plug the coffeemaker into a circuit where anything else is running.  These power hogs will get warm, but your coffee will never perk.

Elevate your serving dishes at various heights to create interest on the buffet.  And don’t forget, we also rent tables that can “stack” to do the same thing!  Try a 48” round with a 30” topper, a 72” half circle with a smaller topper, a 6’ table with a 9” raised topper.   They make great hors d’oeurve, candy, snack or dessert stations, salad bars, or smorgasbords!

Don’t forget the great music!  We rent PA systems with CD players, microphones and best of all, hooks ups for I-POD or laptop connections to your greatest tunes!  The speakers are made by Fender, so you know the quality is kickin’ good!

Color Rules!  Check our website for all the lastest colors, and go wild!  Lime and Raspberry?  Earth Tones?  Hot colors!  Red/ White / Blue?  Sparkles, Checks and more.  You can add so much to the look and style with smart choices.

Who doesn’t love Cotton Candy?  Movie Popcorn?  Nachos?  Sno-Kones?  We got ‘em!

Oh, and Chocolate!  Rent a chocolate fountain and dip dip dip!  Fruit, cake, pretzels, marshmallows, go Crazy!

Who doesn’t like BBQ?  We’ve got grills and roasteries to meet high demand, great taste cooking needs!  Don’t depend on Uncle Bob to bring his…..

And fryolators in 2 sizes, Turkey Roasters, Clam Steamers, Lobster Cookers.  I’m getting hungry just thinking about this!

What are you going to do with those kids (of all ages!).  Bounce houses, horseshoes, volleyball, movies with a multimedia projector, even KARAOKE!  Yup, we rent that!

And the practical blogger kicks in at the end.  Tables, Chairs, Tents that we set, and tents that you can do yourself.  Why depend on borrowing from friends, the fire house, or church?  Our reservations are dependable, the price is by the event, not the day, and here’s the best part……

Come and get it, use it, return it.  We do the maintenance, stock the supplies, and store it till you need it!  And that’s the beauty of rental.